Where art thou world?

When we really need you

Lyda Michopoulou
3 min readOct 10, 2023
Photo by Ash Hayes on Unsplash

This week a multitude of posts started circulating about a new occurrence at Israel / Palestine that ended in full blown war between the Israeli government and Hamas.

Note that I don’t use the word “conflict” as many others do. The word conflict implies both sides are able to fight for who they are and what they believe. Do you see the Palestinians being able to fight back? What I see is an ongoing occupation and massacre by the Israeli government.

Many friends and followers on the gram have been sharing posts about the killing of innocents, the desecration of bodies, the children being killed and re-sharing a post by an American comedian who seems to think his opinion counts the most.

And I wonder…

  • Where were you when children residing in Palestine were being killed daily for the last 40+ years by the Israeli government? Aren’t these innocents?
  • Where were you when Israeli forces were kidnapping, killing, forcing families to leave their houses and putting settlers to live there? Aren’t these innocents?
  • Where were you when Israeli forces attacked Palestinians praying during Ramadan last year? Weren’t these innocents?

What changed this week that made you move into action and post about the innocents being killed?
What is it that makes you relate to this week’s innocents?

Is it the color of their skin, their religion, or their ethnicity?

Since 1948 when the Nakba, means “catastrophe” in Arabic, and refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the Arab-Israeli war, happened innocent Palestinians are being killed, sometimes daily.

I didn’t see the world taking a stand then, moving into action and demanding the killing of innocents to be stopped. What I saw was countless kids, women and people of Palestinian ethnicity being massacred by Israeli forces. And you, all of you, go about your days with no care in the world.

I’ve seen many posts this week that talk about not taking sides, being neutral and demanding the killing of innocents to be stopped.

Let me tell you something, if this week is the first time you posted about Israel and Palestine, then unconsciously you chose a side and you might not even realize it.

In 25 years, the Israeli occupation of Palestine will mark a century.

A century of atrocities, forcing families out of their villages, killings, bombings, kidnappings… At least 3 generations of Palestinians have been raised under constant fear of existing, of hiding their identity, of living in exile…

You, members of the West and the progressive world, have an opportunity to potentially end this occupation with enough pressure on your governments and through social media.

🕊️ I hope you take it and we don’t stand idle while the Israeli government massacres more Palestinians.

🕊️ I hope the Jews of the world who are against their government push for a change, for the occupation to stop, for the Palestinians to finally be able to be free in their land.

🕊️ I hope this week’s happenings have shown the world that we need to act now to end the occupation of Palestine by the Israeli government and allow Palestinians to live peacefully in their land together with Jews or not.

The oppressed need to have an opportunity to choose what they do about their land.



Lyda Michopoulou
Lyda Michopoulou

Written by Lyda Michopoulou

Queer non-binary writer and life transitions coach. Writing on anything and everything. Pronouns: they/them http://unwrappedevolutions.com/

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